12 Tips to Transform Your Office Space: A Design Guide

  • November 7, 2023
  • Uncategorized

Now more than ever, it’s crucial to design a workplace space that’s comfortable and stunning. Workers are returning to the office, making it a great time to revamp your clients’ office spaces. There are several things you should keep in mind when you transform your office space. Practicality, beauty, function, affordability, and more are a few things to consider. At Acacia Originals, we take all these factors into account, so we’ve compiled a booklet of incredible design trends we love. These ideas can inspire you as you figure out how to design your office building.

1. Include Ergonomic Office Furniture

If we’ve learned one thing from working at home, it’s the importance of comfortable office furniture. Teams will work harder and better when they have ergonomic office furniture. Of course, ergonomic office furniture is extremely comfortable, but it’s also proven to reduce the chances of work-related injuries. The health of a company’s employees and the appearance of their office building are essential; with ergonomic chairs, you can be sure both are taken care of.

A long modern office reception with a combination of wood panels and white  vinyl, illuminated by various light sources

2. Foreground Bright Colors

It is no longer on-trend to design bland, white office buildings. These days, it’s better to use light neutrals, like gray, blue, or green, for the walls and flooring. They make a great combination with bright accent colors, like neon orange, bright pink, and deep or bright purple, among others. Employees will feel calmer and happier when you’re attentive to the colors you use to transform your office space. Upsetting colors in the office lead to an upsetting atmosphere—so stick with calm and cheerful colors.

3. Let the Light In

Even if the office building you’re renovating doesn’t have an abundance of windows, you can still mimic natural light with artificial fixtures. Choose light sources that illuminate soft, natural-looking light. In-office workers want to feel like they’re outside, among nature. Light improves employees’ demeanor, so focus on the lights in the office space.

A modern office equipped with desks, chairs and desktop computers next to a long window.

4. Bring the Outdoors, Indoors

What’s better than natural light? Being outdoors. We mentioned the importance of having a bright, well-lit office space, but it’s even more exciting if you design an indoor-outdoor office space. Here are a few examples of indoor-outdoor office spaces. Each of these offices is special because team members can congregate outdoors on patios, porches, and rooftops.

5. Make Things Tranquil With Quiet Pods

Sometimes, it’s easier to think when there’s total silence, but the issue is workplaces are rarely that quiet. You don’t have to compromise the vibrant, bustling atmosphere in the office space you’re designing. Instead, install quiet pods. These pods will function as a place for employees to retreat when they’re thinking up a great idea and need quiet to bring it to life!

6. Art, Art, Art

A thoughtful piece of art can be the difference between an office space that’s designed well and an office space that’s designed perfectly. So, take care when you’re picking out the art that will hang in your building. Try to find pieces that accentuate what’s unique about the company you’re working with. Art is also known to reduce stress, so the perks of hanging eclectic art pieces are manifold.

7. Get a Few Eco-Friendly Fixtures

Many employees care about their company’s carbon footprint—that is, to retain the best talent, companies need to be conscious of their impact on the environment. As a designer, you can be eco-friendly through your design choices. For example, pick LED lights, install moss on the walls to reduce noise in an environmentally friendly way, and put composting stations in the office. The more eco-friendly fixtures you have, the better off the environment will be.

Top view of employees working on electronic devices at a curved table with indoor foliage.

8. Install Smart Technology

Smart technology doesn’t have to compromise the appearance of your office. In fact, smart technology has the ability to enhance the way your office looks and functions. You can put smart lockers when you transform your office space, for example. They can look sleek and modern, but they also allow employees to keep their coveted belongings safe all workday long. Of course, it’s crucial to have smart lighting, which allows you to change the color and the brightness of lights in the office. And other smart technologies are the industry standard these days, too.

9. Design Funky Game Rooms

Allowing the team to unwind in a fun game room is one way to get employees excited about coming to work! Designate one room in the office to be the game room. In it, you can paint a mural on the walls, including ping pong tables and foosball tables, adorn the walls with televisions, and stock a fridge with snacks. There’s no better way to cultivate a positive company culture than designing a game room that’s well-decorated and fun.

10. Keep Things Home-Like

For many, working from home is not the status quo anymore, but even so, the office can still feel and look like home. Focus on making your office homey. Whether you purchase large plush couches with color pillows, include amenities and common rooms, or purchase something else to make your office feel like home, prioritize comfortability and community-oriented spaces.

Two female employees walking through office space near another female employee working on her mobile device and laptop at a table beside a long couch.

11. Make a Space Designated for Remote Working

The world has changed over the past few years. Now, employees will be making video calls with clients around the world, so to accommodate the changed world, you’ve got to have spaces for employees to work remotely. Maybe, one employee is calling into a meeting in San Francisco, and another is calling into a meeting in New York. Both these calls require a nice space that’s quiet but not too quiet. Of course, make sure you have a clean background for the video call and great Wi-Fi, as well. All in all, design the office to accommodate workers who need to have meetings online.

12. When in Doubt, Go for Timeless Mid-Century Designs

One trend that isn’t going out of style anytime soon is mid-century modern designs. Including furniture that’s sleek, minimal, and well-made in transforming your office space will be stylish for years to come. So, when you’re investing in an office renovation, it’s never a bad idea to invest in mid-century decor. At Acacia Originals, we specialize in mid-century designs, so when in doubt, opt for a mid-century look—we’d be excited to help you find the pieces that are right for you. Contact us for more information.