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Creating a perfect lighting plan strategy for your workspace that perfectly illuminates it is essential to your health and productivity. The lighting you select for your workspace can affect everything from the well-being of your team to how much you accomplish.

Health concerns such as eye strain, headaches, and low mood in the workplace can all be traced back to poor lighting. If you want to facilitate a productive workspace for yourself and your team, ensure you’re carefully crafting the right lighting plan. 

In this post, we cover the following lighting plan topics:

  1. What types of lighting exist for workspaces?
  2. What kind of lighting do you need in your workspace?
  3. How should you install or place various lighting in your workspaces?

Creating a Lighting Plan Strategy For Your Workspace

Creating the perfect lighting plan for your workspace takes a strategic approach. With different lighting sources to consider, you must take the appropriate amount of time to select the right sources for your space. 

Taking into account current lighting sources, such as overhead lighting and natural light, will help you determine complementary lighting. The first step then is to ask yourself:

What types of lighting exist and which one do you need in your workspace?

  1. Overhead lighting often comes standard in both commercial and personal workspaces. If your workspace comes equipped with overhead lighting, you may consider changing the lighting technologies. 

Overhead lighting is often outfitted with fluorescent bulbs. While fluorescent lighting is typical, these bulbs and tubes can expose you to harmful UV/IV rays and may cause increased eye strain. If you need overhead lighting in your workspace, consider LED tube lights and bulbs instead of fluorescent alternatives. LEDs are 50% more efficient, brighter, less harmful, and last much longer than fluorescent lighting options. 

2. Accent lighting is essential for highlighting architectural features and artwork displays. This type of lighting works well in reception and lobby areas of commercial workspaces. 

While accent lighting doesn’t boast the same health benefits as adequate overhead lighting, task lighting, and natural light, it can greatly affect the overall well-being of workers. Accent lighting complements overhead lighting and adds to the overall brightness and interest of the space. Not only that, but accent lighting helps improve the overall ambiance of a workspace and helps improve mood.  

3. Task lighting is a critical component of your personal workspace lighting plan. In combination with overhead lighting, task lighting provides customizable brightness levels, boosts productivity, and keeps energy costs down. 

LED task lighting is an ergonomic tool that offers complete control over the amount of light needed to complete certain tasks. Many of us spend hours reading and working at our desks, and adding a task lamp helps to keep us focused on our various projects.  


lighting strategy

Lighting Placement for the Optimal Workspace

One benefit of creating a lighting plan strategy before selecting or changing your workspace lighting is you can carefully consider your lighting needs. You may find that you need a combination of all three lighting options, or you may decide all you need is to add an attractive task lamp to enhance your workspace lighting plan. 

Whatever you decide, the next step in creating the perfect lighting plan for your workspace is determining the best placement for your lighting options. Let’s walk through the different spaces you may have in your workspace and the lighting choices you should consider adding. 

Reception area 

If you have a reception or lobby area of your workspace that needs to be outfitted with appropriate lighting, consider both overhead lighting and accent lighting. Hanging pendants above a reception desk or waiting area provides the brightness the space needs with an added design element. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your overhead lighting! 

Accent lighting in the reception area can highlight your company name or interesting interior decor, such as artwork. Accent lighting in the reception area enhances the ambiance and sets the tone for your guests.   

Open-plan Workspaces 

In recent years, many companies have shifted to open floorplans where workspaces are clustered together in an open space, sans cubicles. This type of workspace requires plenty of natural light and overhead lighting. 

Take into consideration how much natural light enters the workspace and add as much LED overhead lighting as you need to make the space bright and welcoming. Open workspaces can quickly feel dingy and unwelcoming with poor overhead lighting. Boost productivity and well-being with the right lighting temperature and voltage.


Open-plan Workspaces

Individual desks 

Whether individual desks are positioned in an open workspace or separated by traditional cubicles, it’s important to add task lighting. As outlined above, task lighting is essential for ergonomics, productivity, and eye health. Ensure your task lamp is adjustable and suits your working style. 

Office space 

If you work in a separate office, consider a combination of overhead, accent, and task lighting. Overhead lighting is essential if you do not have little or no natural light to work with. Accent lighting in an office space can enhance your workspace to boost creativity and mood. Plus, accent lighting can be a wonderful way to create separate spaces within your office for different tasks such as meetings with clients or taking a mid-day break. 

As with individual and open floorplan workspaces, task lighting is essential even if you leverage overhead and accent lighting. Task lamps come in various design styles, and it can be easy to find the perfect lamp to enhance your office workspace.  

Creating a lighting plan that perfectly illuminates your workspace is simple if you take the time to consider your options and unique workspace requirements. Choosing the right lighting sources for your workspace can enhance productivity, mood, and overall well-being. 

If you need help creating a strategy that works with your overall design, contact us today. We can help make your workspace a beautiful expression of design and purpose. 


When designing a commercial space, many designers make the mistake of ignoring psychology. Yes, even in design, the human psyche is at play and should be considered when making decisions about workspace flow, color, and decor. 

Luckily, you don’t have to have a doctorate in Psychology to design your commercial space! Whether you’re interested in designing a commercial space to accommodate the needs of workers or visitors, you can be sure that architectural psychology has an answer. 

Although research exists outlining the effect color has on our mood and behavior, there is less research on the effects architectural decisions have on the human psyche. However, it should go without saying that at Acacia Originals, we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible experience – including a holistic approach to our design.

If you’re interested in learning more about the psychology behind designing for a commercial space, keep reading! 

How Overall Flow Affects the Psychology of Commercial Spaces

We spend much of our time indoors, and the decisions designers make in the spaces we occupy have profound effects on our mood and behavior overall. As a designer, you understand the flow of a space is critical to the design of a space. 

The flow of the space includes everything from ceiling height, location of windows, and furniture placement. Each of these components is necessary to draft the perfect commercial space design and has a tremendous effect on how humans behave in that space.

For example, ceiling height is a critical component of any design. You can create a more intimate atmosphere by including lower ceilings. On the other hand, spaces with higher ceiling height change the mood from intimate to airy and free. 

As we mentioned in our previous post, What You Need to Know About Designing Your New Workspace, designing the layout of your new workspace is an important consideration. The layout of your space should be carefully designed according to the functionality you’re hoping to achieve in the commercial space. If you intend to use your space for collaboration on a grand scale, consider the effect smaller-scale seating may have on the behavior of those in the space. 

The flow of each aspect of the commercial space design will impact how the visitor reacts emotionally and physically.

Overall Flow Affects the Psychology of Commercial Spaces

Furniture in Commercial Space Design

As experts in the custom furnishings industry, we can’t emphasize enough the importance furniture has on the overall psychology of commercial spaces. 

Depending on the overall design, consider the curvature, or lack thereof, of each piece of furniture. If your design leans more modern, you may be considering fewer curves and more angles in the furniture pieces you’re selecting. However, you should consider a recent study showing most subjects view furniture with more straight edges as less inviting. 

Psychology of architecture strikes again – before making any vital furniture choices, carefully consider the ultimate function the commercial space will serve and the behavior those visiting the space will exhibit. 

You may find that including more approachable furnishings encourages visitors to spend more time in the space or recall the experience of visiting the space more favorably because of the appealing furnishings. 

If you struggle with designing a piece of furniture that perfectly encapsulates the feel and mood of the commercial space, contact us. We’ve brought hundreds of designs to life with our expert in-house designers and can do the same for your commercial space design. 


Furniture in Commercial Space Design

Color – The Ultimate Psychological Trigger in Commercial Space Design

The color choices used in commercial design spaces are the most well-known psychological impacts design can have on the human experience. The color used on the walls of commercial spaces impacts mood and can also impact our ability to perform basic tasks. 

In one study of this phenomenon, researchers found that the color used on interior walls could affect the attention to detail a subject lends to a particular task. For example, we all know the color red is often associated with anger or warning signs (like traffic lights and stop signs). In psychological studies, the color red may force many people to focus more closely on a particular task. 

Conversely, the color blue has a far more calming effect and can increase the ability of humans to tap into imagination and other creative emotions. 

Ensuring the design of the commercial space takes into consideration the effect interior wall colors may have on the people visiting or working in that space, is a vital component of assessing every design before implementation. 

The impacts a commercial space design can have on the psyche of those who visit its interior are profound and can be lasting. A single design doesn’t last forever, but the real impact a design has on the mood and behavior of humans is powerful. 

We encourage you to carefully consider the psychology behind the design of your next commercial space project and reach out with any feedback you discover along the way. Architecture and design have the power to transform environments and human behavior, and we are always interested in learning more.  

If you need help bringing your commercial space design to life, partner with Acacia today. We can help you design custom millwork and furnishings that inspire your audience and fit your commercial space psychology. 

Designing a new workspace comes with a unique set of challenges and considerations. Whether you’re starting from scratch, leasing a new space, or renovating an existing location, there are several aspects you should take into consideration before diving into designing the new space. 

For example, when designing your new workspace, consider the delicate balance between practicality and aesthetic decisions. This balance will exist in every aspect of your design including layout, furniture selection, lighting, the flow of the workspace, decor, and even the appropriate temperature. 

An additional consideration is the amount of time you will spend in this new workspace. An average worker spends more time at work than at home. In our new post-pandemic world, the reality for many is a hybrid work environment where it’s important to strike an adequate parallel between carving out appropriate workspaces at home and ensuring your workspace outside the home fosters productivity and efficiency. 

If you’re interested in designing a new workspace that is practical and aesthetically aligned with your taste, you found the right place. 

This post will cover:

  1. Appropriate layout for your new workspace
  2. Workspace retreats 
  3. The right seating arrangement
  4. The flow of your new workspace
  5. Lighting for each space
  6. Decor considerations
  7. Temperature for your new workspace

Designing Your New Workspace Layout 

The first aspect of designing the new workspace you should consider is the layout of your space. This is likely the least exciting part of designing your new workspace, but it’s an important consideration nonetheless. 

Whether you’re setting up a new workspace in an area of your home or looking to design an off-site location, take time to evaluate the floor plan. Consider the following questions:

  1. Where is the primary source of light? Is there a window?
  2. How many power outlets does the space have? Where are they located?
  3. How much space do you have to work with? 

Once you answer these basic questions, the next step is to determine the functionality of the space. This phase is the linchpin to designing your new workspace. 

The questions you answer in this phase set the stage for the more aesthetic choices you’ll make down the line. Consider answering the following:

1. Do you want your new workspace to be private or open for collaboration?

If you want a private space, you may want to consider a separate area for accommodating colleagues or clients. Equally important to consider is adequate space for solo work. How much physical workspace do you need to be effective at work?

2. What are the furniture basics you need in the space? 

We’ll cover what you need to know about furniture in another section. For now, make a list of your necessary furniture pieces, such as an area for your computer, a separate desk for laying out your materials, a bookcase, a conference table, or a coffee table for a unique meeting area. 

3. What type of filing system do you anticipate needing for adequate storage? 

If you primarily work in a paperless environment, you should still consider adding a small filing system to keep essential paper-based materials at hand. 

4. Do you require a printer/copier or other large office equipment? 

Printers come in all shapes and sizes, and even if you don’t need a more robust piece of equipment, you should consider where a desktop printer will live in your new workspace to not interrupt the flow of your space. 

5. Are you interested in extra comforts like a small refrigerator, microwave, or coffee maker in your space?

These creature comforts are by no means necessary to add to your new workspace design, but they nevertheless allow for long periods of focus and a natural meeting place for colleagues. 



Designing A Workspace Retreat

Designing an area of retreat for yourself in your new workspace will vary depending on the layout of your new workspace and whether you have decided to design a private or more collaborative working environment. 

If you’ve decided to design a more exclusive workspace for yourself, you must consider what an area of retreat would look like to you. If you primarily work at your desk, a retreat might look like a pair of custom-designed armchairs and a coffee table where you can prop your feet up to read the latest company report. Adding variation to your workspace seating options provides a respite from sitting long hours in the same position. 

If designing a collaborative workspace is more your style, consider including a large custom conference table. With space for you and your work colleagues to spread out and debate new ideas, you’ll find an inviting gathering space is just the thing you need to make progress on your latest project. Then, once the team has dispersed for the afternoon, you are free to move back to your desk and get to work on more solitary tasks. 

Whatever your preference, designing a workspace with a comfortable retreat in mind provides the best of both worlds; a place to put your nose to the grindstone and another area where you take a step back and examine the project from a different angle.

Seating For Your New Workspace

Despite knowing the dire statistics, most workers spend 15 hours sitting at their desks. Whether it’s good for our health or not, the reality is we spend much of our working days sitting at work. Given this information, it’s only natural that you should carefully consider your seating options when designing your new workspace. 

You may already be familiar with ergonomics and the importance of selecting appropriate office furniture to preserve your health and safety as you work. But just because something has to be functional doesn’t mean you must give up your aesthetic design altogether. 

Now that you decided on the functional aspects of your new workspace, the next step is selecting more aesthetically aligned pieces. The easiest way to add elements of both form and function is your seating selections.

Besides an ergonomic and functional office chair, consider the other seating options you’ll need to include in the design of your new workspace. If clients often visit your workspace, consider adding two accent chairs with a bit of flair to complement your design. If you have a larger workspace to design, consider adding a unique bench or two-seater sofa to accommodate casual conversations.

Looking to design the lobby area of your new workspace? This is a perfect area to add custom, beautifully designed seating. Check out our portfolio to see how we helped our clients create cohesive and expertly-designed workspaces. 

Allowing Flow and Movement

This next category of design ties together many elements you should consider when designing your new workspace. You’ve decided on the preliminary layout for your space, carefully crafted a comfortable retreat, and selected a few outstanding custom furnishings from Acacia. What should you consider now?

The next step is putting these bigger elements together to create a workspace that lends itself to movement and flow. As a busy professional, it’s essential that the flow of your workspace is not only functional but also inspires and bolsters your efficiency. 

Designing a new workspace allows you to imagine the flow that fits your workday best. While it’s important to have a space to both work and rest, understanding how to arrange your workspace is an important design consideration. 

If you’re more productive in the mornings, positioning your desk to a window view might be a great way to increase your morning flow. However, if you find yourself easily distractable before lunch, it may be wiser to face a less changeable environment. 

The same idea can be applied to other aspects of your workspace. If you find yourself craving a comfortable spot to read a lengthy report, consider a custom seating solution rather than a conference table. If your workspace feels dark, consider lightening up the walls with a fresh coat of paint or inspiring decor. 

There is a wide range of ways to design your new workspace in a way that offers you the best flow and movement for your day. Don’t be afraid to experiment! 

Custom Design Elements for Your New Workspace

Now that you’ve read about the major considerations for designing a new workspace, the next element, while less permanent, is just as important. The lighting features, decor elements, and even the temperature of your workspace play an essential role in the design of your workspace. 


If your workspace has plenty of natural light, selecting a lighting element that plays well with the temperature of that natural light is essential. As you know, lighting comes in varying temperatures – from cool to warm. While there is debate among designers on what lighting temperature should be applied to a workspace, the consensus remains steady. 

Yellow light, or warmer temperature lighting, is best for spaces where you intend to relax and unwind. On the other hand, blue and cooler temperature lighting is said to boost concentration and productivity. No matter which lighting temperature camp you land in, consider how the lighting may affect your workspace flow. 




Designing your new workspace includes a deep consideration of the decor that best complements the space. Just because your workspace is a place where you churn out professional work doesn’t mean the office decor you choose has to be serious or ordinary. 

Consider vibrant artwork or beautiful sculptures to adorn your walls. Adding live plants that thrive in indirect sunlight can be a great way to add color and life to your new workspace. There are no right or wrong ways to add decor to your workspace; the only consideration should be whether the decor inspires and boosts your mood.


If you polled your colleagues on the perfect temperature for a workspace, you would receive wildly different answers. The truth is there is no universal temperature as we are all unique and experience our environments differently. In fact, the most common workspace temperature was established in the 1960s and remains the most commonly adopted temperature in offices today. 

That being said, including temperature on the list of considerations for designing a new workspace is essential. The Office of Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends workspaces maintain a general temperature between 68 and 76 degrees Fahrenheit

Of course, this is a general recommendation and may not be well suited for every workspace. The temperature you ultimately set when designing your new workspace will affect the flow of your space and should be taken into serious consideration. 

As with most of our list of considerations, don’t get caught up in making permanent decisions just yet. Play with the more impermanent elements of your workspace design like lighting, decor, and temperature until it suits the energy you’re trying to achieve. 

Now that we’ve outlined the aspects you should consider while designing your new workspace, you have the tools necessary to create the perfect working environment. 

If you’re interested in receiving custom design solutions, contact us today. Acacia is ready to provide integrated solutions that are an extension of your identity. 

Even the most creative professionals find designing the perfect workspace a challenge. On top of ensuring you have enough space to get your work done, you are likely considering the aesthetic aspects of designing your workspace. 

Before you take any design next steps to create your perfect workspace, consider some of the ideas we’ve curated below. 

This post will guide you through the six components of designing the perfect workspace, including:

  1. Staying true to your authentic self
  2. Getting in the flow
  3. Color theory
  4. Artwork to inspire
  5. Custom organization
  6. Custom furnishings

Your Workspace as a Reflection of Yourself

Before you get to work on designing the perfect workspace for yourself, consider your values and beliefs. A quick web search for “designing your workspace” brings up millions of beautiful spaces. But are they right for you? 

Consider whether your space should suit your more quiet side or if it should be the natural meeting spot for you and your colleagues to discuss all your big ideas. 

While it can be nice to think of a tranquil space where you can ponder your next big project, if you’re a natural extrovert, you should keep in mind spaces that invite collaboration and dialogue. Some design ideas include:

  • A large custom conference table where your team can comfortably sit and debate project details 
  • A comfortable and inviting seating arrangement so guests will feel at home while burning the midnight oil
  • A large projector or whiteboard space to naturally encourage visual representation of your ideas 

Are you more of an introvert who likes to think through tasks and projects? Consider these design ideas:

  • A large custom desk where you can spread out your project-related documents for easy brainstorming
  • A cozy lounge chair that encourages you to take a seat a dig in on new projects
  • An original feature wall you can gaze at when you need a spark of inspiration

Check out Acacia’s projects to see how we can help you can create a custom, authentic workspace. 

Getting in the Flow

As a designer, you know an integral part of any design is the movement and flow of the project. This flow is an important consideration when designing the perfect workspace. Depending on the size of your space, you want to take into consideration the following:

  1. Who will be accessing the space? Is it just you, or will you have frequent visitors?
  2. Does the space have windows? Do you prefer to arrange your desk in front or away from the window?
  3. Do you prefer to have several areas in your workspace that serve a specific purpose? E.g., a typing space, a reading space, a space to take group meetings. 

These questions will help you navigate how you set up your workspace to stimulate productivity and natural collaboration.

Color Theory

While choosing the right colors for your workspace could be an entire post of its own, we’ll touch briefly on the importance of selecting the right color when you design your workspace. 

Research performed by the University of Texas found that painting workspaces dull colors like white, grey, and beige negatively affected a person’s mood. Conversely, colors like green, blue, and yellow have a positive effect on our moods and can be great additions to your workspace. 

How you apply color to your workspace will also depend on the outcomes you’re hoping to achieve. If you want to draw someone’s attention to a particularly inspiring piece of art, it may be wise to paint the wall where you’re hanging your art a powerful red. 

Choosing the right color and applying it in the right way to your workspace elicits never-ending inspiration. No matter which color you select or how you choose to reflect it, make sure it plays well into your values and the flow you’re trying to achieve. 

Artwork to Inspire

Adding a special art piece to your workspace can provide a fountain of inspiration for years to come. However, choosing the correct artwork when you’re designing your perfect workspace is not always an easy task. 

Before choosing the right artwork to display in your workspace, consider the following:

  • Will the artwork be a focal point in the room? Custom wall paneling is a striking way to showcase a beautiful piece of art. Check out Acacia’s past projects to see how this might look in your workspace.  
  • Do you want your art to reflect your industry or mission? 
  • Is the artwork a painting, a sculpture, or something else? Don’t fall into the trap of thinking your workspace needs a simple framed poster. Get creative and find artwork that excites you!

Custom Organization

When designing your workspace, you can easily forget all about setting up a robust organizational system. Deciding how to organize your files and overflowing cables should be high on your consideration list. 

It’s important to consider your typical work practices and how you work throughout your day. If you have many paper documents delivered each day, you may want to consider a filing cabinet. If you prefer a paperless workspace, consider how you’ll organize your technology. 

It’s critical you think through your typical workday and the tools and resources you use daily before you bring your design plans to life. Ensure you have adequate storage for important documents and keep office accessories organized. 

Custom Furnishings 

We would be remiss if we didn’t include custom furnishings as a major component of designing the perfect workspace. At Acacia, we see your workspace furnishings as an extension of your identity. It’s important for us to consider the company or person before designing any piece of furniture. 

That being said, you should carefully consider the furnishings you will need in your workspace to tie together each piece of this design puzzle: authenticity, flow, inspiration, and organization. 

High-quality, custom furnishings transform a workspace from dull and inefficient to inspiration and performance. Consider the quality of the furniture you are purchasing and how the lines, textures, and patterns fit with your design plan. 

If you’re ready to express your authentic self and design the perfect workspace, set up a call. Our expert design team will work with you to create the perfect workspace and meeting space that captures your unique identity.